Tuesday, June 4 to Sunday, June 16, 2024 (Puntledge RV Park, Courtenay, BC)

The first few days after returning from our two week vacation was spent taking care of odds and ends and just getting back into our usual routine.

On Thursday (June 6) Steve picked up Earl and they drove to Union Bay to fly their drones. 
Take off!

Union Bay...

Denman and Hornby Islands...

Courtenay and Comox are just north of Union Bay along the distant bay...
Here is a 4 minute video Steve took...

Friday (June 7) morning we decided to go for a hike at Nymph Falls...beautiful as always!
Soon the summer swimmers will flock here...

We pass West Coast Chainsaw Artist every time we go to Nymph Falls and have always said that we must stop and take pictures...well, on our way home, Steve stopped. 
(This ones for you brother Dave 😂)
Absolutely amazing carvings!

We are going through a bit of a heat spell right now...beautiful, warm temperatures! We took a walk down to the river and found people enjoying the day...
Saturday (June 8) morning we went for a walk on a different trail on the other side of the river. Steve had been on it last year, this time he took me...
The campground is on the other side of the river...
That evening we went to Earl and Allison's...ordered Chinese for dinner...and watched the hockey game. The Edmonton Oilers had another loss to the Florida Panthers. That's 3 straight losses...not looking good for them. 

Cedar chilling between Steve and I...
Sunday (June 9), we took a drive out to Seal Bay Nature Park and hiked a different trail from the previous ones we have been on...

On our way home, we stopped at Kye Bay...we went to the far end where there is another parking area. Steve took a short 27 second video of the beach...beautiful!
Of course, since it was Sunday afternoon, we went up to Gladstone Brewing to have a brew, listen to music and people watch. This beauty was parked beside our car when we left...
We had just gotten home from our morning walk Monday (June 10) when I received a text from my sister-in-law, Rhonda. Don would like to come for a visit while she is getting her haircut...awesome! She dropped Don off just before 1:00. We went for a walk down to the river then sat outside chatting when Rhonda returned a couple of hours later. A great visit!
Not much other than the regular stuff over the next few days...but we did have a family of deer come through our yard...

A doe with last years fawn...
After loosing the first 3 games in the Stanley Cup Playoffs, we had pretty much given up on a Canadian team bringing the Cup back to Canada. We did not have plans to watch anymore of the Edmonton Oilers - Florida Panthers hockey games. However Saturday (June 15) evening we went to the Flying Canoe Pub to enjoy their dinner/beer specials and they happened to have the game on the big screen. The Oilers were doing amazingly well...
So we continued to watch the game when we got home...a fabulous 8-1 win over the Panthers! We now have renewed interest in the playoffs!

Sunday (June 16)...Happy Father's Day to all Dads out there! We decided to go back to one or our favourite hikes...Nymph Fall's Nature Park.

We found a couple of painted rocks stuck into woodpecker holes in the trees...too cute!
Someone has been doing artwork on the rocks at the falls...

We actually took a short trail that we had not been on before...it was a shortcut to another main trail...
Well, it's Sunday AND Father's Day so of course we went up to the Gladstone for a brew! We totally forgot that if the dads wore a plaid shirt, they'd get a buck off their beer! Sheesh! Happy Father's Day, honey...Cheers! 🍻
Well, that's it for now. We are heading back down island to Rob and Angie's tomorrow to watch the boys for the week. They are finished school for the year but Angie still has one more week of work. Gramma and Grampa to the rescue! Stay tuned for those adventures!


  1. Drone shots are really good. Hi Earl ! The falls look pretty quiet right now, heat wave = low water flow. Good to see the Oilers support in BC lol. Get ready for more beers and playoff games!! We're going to game 7!!! Well after we win Friday night in Edmonton of course. Go Oilers !! Cheers guys.

    1. Thanks! More beers and playoff games…you’re on. Go Oilers!🤞🤞

  2. Beautiful pictures with the sunshine. Can't wait to see you :)

  3. That ladybug in the woodpecker hole is so cute! You guys are doing it right.

    1. It’s amazing what you can find in the forest if you take the time to look around. Safe travels!
