Well, today is the day...our summer/fall adventure to the east coast of Canada begins! We had an abbreviated version of our usual morning coffee wake up time...had breakfast, showered and got to work on our final pack up.
Once all of the slides were in, Steve fired up the truck and started airing up the trailer tires when all of a sudden the truck abruptly went into a fast idle which didn't sound normal to either one of us. Great, just what we need...truck problems on the day of departure! Normally when you apply the brakes it kicks it off of fast idle but not this time, so Steve turned the truck off and started it again...no more fast idle. He continued airing up the tires and thankfully the truck ran normal...cool we're all set to go. It was 9:40...not bad, since we had planned on being on the road by 9:30.
We made our way over to the Trans Canada Highway (1) and headed east. Although a little hazy, Mount Baker in Washington is still magnificent...
I barely managed to capture a picture of this deer along the side of the highway...there were actually 2 of them...the yellow stripe is a reflection in the window from the road...
Fraser River near Hope...
At a truck weigh station just before Hope, there was a mandatory watercraft inspection station...so with our 12' boat on top of the truck, we stopped.
It is mandatory for all watercraft to stop at road side inspection stations. Watercraft includes sailboats, motorboats, car toppers, kayaks, canoes, and paddle boards being transported in BC. Dedicated crews of inspectors check and if necessary decontaminate mussel infested boats. This approach has been taken by other jurisdictions in the Pacific Northwest, and proven to be highly effective in educating boaters on the risk of invasive mussel introduction.
After a number of questions (the boat hadn't been in water since we were at Lone Rock on Lake Powell last October), we were finished. But before getting back on the freeway, we pulled over so that Steve could re-torque the trailer tires...
On the Coquihalla (hwy 5)...lots of raging water in the rivers...
Box Canyon and the snow shed tunnel...
Still lots of snow on the mountain tops!
We stopped near the summit at rest area...and had our lunch...
Nicola Valley...and Merritt...
Fields here are flooded as were parts of the town a week or two ago...
Beautiful Nicola Lake where we workamped a few years ago at Monck Provincial Park...
I think this is Surrey Lake...
When we reached Kamloops, instead of continuing north on hwy 5, we headed east...back on the Trans Canada hwy. The Thompson River runs along side of the highway...
Shuswap Lake...they claim to be the houseboat capital of the world...
We pulled into The Mall at Piccadilly in Salmon Arm at 3:00. There is a Save-On Foods, Starbucks, Canadian Tire and a variety of other stores as well as a sanidump. Unfortunately the liquor store is gone! It was pretty busy, but we managed to pull over along the edge of the parking lot...and wait for people to come out and leave as there were a couple of cars in the way. We went into the Canadian Tire store, picked up a few things and by the time we were back out, we were able to move our rig and get it parked for the night...
It is a great spot to overnight...very quiet and the only issue we had was the temperature...it was 27C/81F! We went to bed with only a light sheet covering us...luckily it cooled down during the night.
Sunday, May 20 to Saturday, May 26, 2018 (Fort Camping, Brae Island Regional Park, Fort Langley, BC)
Sunday was a cloudy, cooler day. We had our usual start to the day and then Steve headed outside to clean the barbecue while I settled in front of the laptop and got to work on a blog update
Next thing I knew it was 1:00...Steve had finished his chore for today and wanted to go for a walk to the bridge to check the level of the river. I had to go to the market to pick up a few things for dinner, so I joined him.
We took the riverside trail. At the bridge, I continued into town, while Steve took his pictures of the high water level of the river, and then headed back. See the sign sticking out of the water...
I was home about an hour later...Steve was watching "his" shows on TV and I resumed my spot at the table to continue working on the blog.
Monday was pack up and leave day for all the long weekend campers...and we watched as a steady stream of RV's pulled out. Ahhhhh...back to peace and quiet around here! It was another cloudy day but the sun did poke through a few times throughout the day...and it was warmer out than yesterday.
We both got another chore crossed off our lists...Steve washed and waxed the boat and then we loaded it back on the truck. While he was busy washing and waxing, I treated all of the cabinets in the trailer with wood cleaner.
After our work was done, we relaxed for a bit...me, on the laptop researching (and booking) flights home for Christmas, and Steve reading on his iPad. Mid afternoon, we decided to go for a bike ride into town to pick up some much needed nasal spray for Steve. His cold has settled into his sinuses...but his throat isn't sore anymore, so that's good.
Some pictures of visitors to the bird feeder today...Black-headed Grosbeaks...
A Chickadee joins in...
Tuesday morning I managed to get up without waking Steve...he continued snoring away for another half hour. Amazing...and I wasn't even trying to be quiet...I didn't even close the bedroom door. At least he (we) had a better sleep than the night before.
We were both sitting in our recliners with our coffee (our usual start to the day) when I realized what day it was...May 22...Happy Anniversary, honey! 36 incredible years...2 kids and 2 grandkids later...and another on the way! Yes, we received word today that it's okay to let the news out...our youngest son, Chris and his wife, Angela are expecting their first baby! They actually told us a few weeks ago but were waiting until she was through her first trimester to make it public. That was a hard secret to keep! We are so happy for them both...a December baby! Congratulations!
Grandpa had started eating his chocolate soother before I could take a picture...
We were back to blue sky and sunshine today...a good day to get out and run some errands.
Our first stop was at Vancouver Axle and Frame...after stewing for a week about the insane amount we paid to have the trailer brakes and bearings checked, Steve called them last week while we were on the island and talked to the owner Ken. He said that didn't sound right and to call him when we got back on the mainland. Steve called this morning and since the owner was not available, he was passed onto someone else who would call him back. Well, we were on our way out, so decided to make it our first stop.
I sat in the truck waiting and as Steve walked back, he didn't look too happy...I soon learned that was just a put on. "How much do you think they refunded", he asks me as he gets into the truck. I dunno...a hundred, maybe two?? Nope...they refunded the full amount! $709.14 with an apology and a free inspection on our next visit! Talk about making a wrong right and retaining a customer. At best Steve thought we might be credited $350-$400.
After a few more stops...Walmart, Canadian Tire, Traveland, liquor store...we were back home. At 2:00, Craig from Mountain Valley Mobile RV Service arrived...right on time! Steve noticed an intermittent dripping of water coming from the under belly just before we left for the island and arranged for an appointment on our return. Steve believes it's coming from the galley grey water tank.
Steve had made sure our galley tank was full so that the leak would be evident. Craig got to work dismantling part of the under belly that was cut into previously for a repair. It was amazing how much water was being retained in the under belly and as all of us RV'ers know the grey tanks can smell almost as bad a the black tank! Unfortunately Craig decided he would have to cut away a lot more of the under belly to find the leak and would replace a 4' X 8' section. He found that the top corner of the galley tank which was on the opposite side of the trailer from where the water was dripping from had a 4" crack in it. Because we are leaving this weekend there was no time to order in a replacement tank so our best option was for a fibreglass patch. That would have to wait for a couple of days to complete as he had other jobs booked.
After Craig left we sat outside in the shade for awhile before walking into town. We decided to try a different spot for our anniversary dinner...Trading Post Brewing Taphouse and Eatery. We had a wonderful meal and were treated like royalty...making our anniversary special. We were even treated to a free drink and dessert to share.
Dragon Boat practice...as we walk home...
Wednesday was work day...after a bite to eat, Steve headed outside to get started on washing the trailer roof and slide toppers and awning. This has turned into a last minute job because of the road dust in the campground. They've delayed applying the dust control treatment until tomorrow because of the previous flood threat which has subsided for now. I helped him fold up the outdoor mats and then got started on my project for today...defrost and clean the refrigerator.
Once defrosted and before putting the stuff back in the freezers, I tried a trick that I learned from Pam when we were down in Quartzsite last winter. I took a couple of placemats and put them in the back of each freezer...they fit perfectly. This will apparently make future defrosting much easier...
With our work done, we both had our showers and got ready to go out to Abbotsford for dinner at Esther and Paul's. We headed out at 3:30...even though we didn't have to be there until 5:30...we had a couple of errands we wanted to do out that way. Also, it would take extra time to get out there due to heavy traffic as folks head home from the Vancouver area.
Our first stop was at Costco where we had a propane tank filled...and we found out that the other one had expired last March (sheesh!). Fuel prices are also much lower as you get away from the metro Vancouver area, so our next stop was at a Shell Station to fuel up the truck with diesel ($1.35/litre)......first time since we filled the tanks in Ferndale, WA before crossing the border back into Canada.
We thought we had given ourselves a lot of extra time...as it turned out, we arrived at Esther and Paul's at exactly 5:30. Have we mentioned how much we hate the traffic in the lower mainland/greater Vancouver area?!!
We had a wonderful dinner and visit with them...thanks so much! It was lovely seeing them both again.
Thursday was another work day....but before we got started on our chores, we walked into town to the HUB Insurance office. We realized that our trailer insurance expires mid-September and we won't be in BC, and won't be in one spot long enough to receive our tags in the mail...so we have to cancel our current coverage and then re-insure for another year. A costly pain in the butt since, of course, there is a fee to cancel plus we have to relinquish our current plate and pay for a new one...oh well, it is what it is!
More Dragon Boat practice on a very fast running, high Fraser River...
It was cloudy for most of the day, making it nicer for Steve who was washing the rest of the trailer and waxing the snout today....
We received a text late morning from Craig, Mountain View Mobile RV Services saying he would be here "this afternoon". So Steve rushed to get finished, leaving the back-end unwashed to avoid a wet mucky mess underneath where Craig would be working. Well, "this afternoon" turned out to be shortly before 5:00. At least it's light out late now...so he spent the next couple of hours patching the crack in the holding tank and replacing the insulation and coroplast liner to the underbelly. While he was doing that, Steve and I sat enjoying the late afternoon sunshine...that finally decided to come out.
It was 7:00 when Craig was finished and presenting us with the bill....reasonable at $418 but still frustrating as he still recommends we replace the tank as soon as possible. Something we'll likely do when we are in Elkhart, Indiana this fall.
Friday morning I headed out in the truck by myself for a final shopping trip before we leave on Sunday. My first stop was Costco...where you have to arrive early in order to get a parking spot big enough for our truck. So I was there waiting with the group of other early shoppers when the doors opened at 10.
After Costco, I headed over to Walmart and then Save-on-Foods before finally getting back home...it was around 2:00 by this time. Although I hate having to drive the truck in the all the traffic here, at least the parking lots are big enough for me to navigate safely.
While I was gone, Steve was busy outside. He finished washing and waxing the back of the trailer, loaded the bikes back onto the rack and bleached and flushed the fresh water tank.
Saturday...and time to get all of last minute work done before we leave. So it was a busy work day! Steve started by washing the truck...oh no, it's going to rain now! LOL! After that was done, he started packing up all the outside stuff.
While he was busy with his chores, I started off by doing laundry and then gave the the inside a final good cleaning...vacuuming, washing floors, bathroom...so we are all clean to start our summer travels!
We were all finished our work, showered and ready for Chris and Angela when they arrived at 3:30...one final visit with them. We sat outside enjoying the late afternoon sunshine...although it wasn't really a sunny day, some was making its way through the light cloud covering.
We decided to go out for dinner tonight...one last visit to The Fort Pub! Steve and Chris went right into the pub while Angela and took a walk up the main street and back...and then joined the guys.
After dinner, we wandered back home and sat inside visiting for another couple of hours. Glad we were able to have one final visit with you! See you both...and our new grandbaby in December!
And that's it...our time back home is over and it's time to hit the road again! Looking forward to our summer/fall travels!
Next thing I knew it was 1:00...Steve had finished his chore for today and wanted to go for a walk to the bridge to check the level of the river. I had to go to the market to pick up a few things for dinner, so I joined him.
We took the riverside trail. At the bridge, I continued into town, while Steve took his pictures of the high water level of the river, and then headed back. See the sign sticking out of the water...
I was home about an hour later...Steve was watching "his" shows on TV and I resumed my spot at the table to continue working on the blog.
Monday was pack up and leave day for all the long weekend campers...and we watched as a steady stream of RV's pulled out. Ahhhhh...back to peace and quiet around here! It was another cloudy day but the sun did poke through a few times throughout the day...and it was warmer out than yesterday.
We both got another chore crossed off our lists...Steve washed and waxed the boat and then we loaded it back on the truck. While he was busy washing and waxing, I treated all of the cabinets in the trailer with wood cleaner.
After our work was done, we relaxed for a bit...me, on the laptop researching (and booking) flights home for Christmas, and Steve reading on his iPad. Mid afternoon, we decided to go for a bike ride into town to pick up some much needed nasal spray for Steve. His cold has settled into his sinuses...but his throat isn't sore anymore, so that's good.
Some pictures of visitors to the bird feeder today...Black-headed Grosbeaks...
A Chickadee joins in...
Tuesday morning I managed to get up without waking Steve...he continued snoring away for another half hour. Amazing...and I wasn't even trying to be quiet...I didn't even close the bedroom door. At least he (we) had a better sleep than the night before.
We were both sitting in our recliners with our coffee (our usual start to the day) when I realized what day it was...May 22...Happy Anniversary, honey! 36 incredible years...2 kids and 2 grandkids later...and another on the way! Yes, we received word today that it's okay to let the news out...our youngest son, Chris and his wife, Angela are expecting their first baby! They actually told us a few weeks ago but were waiting until she was through her first trimester to make it public. That was a hard secret to keep! We are so happy for them both...a December baby! Congratulations!
We were back to blue sky and sunshine today...a good day to get out and run some errands.
Our first stop was at Vancouver Axle and Frame...after stewing for a week about the insane amount we paid to have the trailer brakes and bearings checked, Steve called them last week while we were on the island and talked to the owner Ken. He said that didn't sound right and to call him when we got back on the mainland. Steve called this morning and since the owner was not available, he was passed onto someone else who would call him back. Well, we were on our way out, so decided to make it our first stop.
I sat in the truck waiting and as Steve walked back, he didn't look too happy...I soon learned that was just a put on. "How much do you think they refunded", he asks me as he gets into the truck. I dunno...a hundred, maybe two?? Nope...they refunded the full amount! $709.14 with an apology and a free inspection on our next visit! Talk about making a wrong right and retaining a customer. At best Steve thought we might be credited $350-$400.
After a few more stops...Walmart, Canadian Tire, Traveland, liquor store...we were back home. At 2:00, Craig from Mountain Valley Mobile RV Service arrived...right on time! Steve noticed an intermittent dripping of water coming from the under belly just before we left for the island and arranged for an appointment on our return. Steve believes it's coming from the galley grey water tank.
Steve had made sure our galley tank was full so that the leak would be evident. Craig got to work dismantling part of the under belly that was cut into previously for a repair. It was amazing how much water was being retained in the under belly and as all of us RV'ers know the grey tanks can smell almost as bad a the black tank! Unfortunately Craig decided he would have to cut away a lot more of the under belly to find the leak and would replace a 4' X 8' section. He found that the top corner of the galley tank which was on the opposite side of the trailer from where the water was dripping from had a 4" crack in it. Because we are leaving this weekend there was no time to order in a replacement tank so our best option was for a fibreglass patch. That would have to wait for a couple of days to complete as he had other jobs booked.
Dragon Boat practice...as we walk home...
Wednesday was work day...after a bite to eat, Steve headed outside to get started on washing the trailer roof and slide toppers and awning. This has turned into a last minute job because of the road dust in the campground. They've delayed applying the dust control treatment until tomorrow because of the previous flood threat which has subsided for now. I helped him fold up the outdoor mats and then got started on my project for today...defrost and clean the refrigerator.
Once defrosted and before putting the stuff back in the freezers, I tried a trick that I learned from Pam when we were down in Quartzsite last winter. I took a couple of placemats and put them in the back of each freezer...they fit perfectly. This will apparently make future defrosting much easier...
With our work done, we both had our showers and got ready to go out to Abbotsford for dinner at Esther and Paul's. We headed out at 3:30...even though we didn't have to be there until 5:30...we had a couple of errands we wanted to do out that way. Also, it would take extra time to get out there due to heavy traffic as folks head home from the Vancouver area.
Our first stop was at Costco where we had a propane tank filled...and we found out that the other one had expired last March (sheesh!). Fuel prices are also much lower as you get away from the metro Vancouver area, so our next stop was at a Shell Station to fuel up the truck with diesel ($1.35/litre)......first time since we filled the tanks in Ferndale, WA before crossing the border back into Canada.
We thought we had given ourselves a lot of extra time...as it turned out, we arrived at Esther and Paul's at exactly 5:30. Have we mentioned how much we hate the traffic in the lower mainland/greater Vancouver area?!!
We had a wonderful dinner and visit with them...thanks so much! It was lovely seeing them both again.
Thursday was another work day....but before we got started on our chores, we walked into town to the HUB Insurance office. We realized that our trailer insurance expires mid-September and we won't be in BC, and won't be in one spot long enough to receive our tags in the mail...so we have to cancel our current coverage and then re-insure for another year. A costly pain in the butt since, of course, there is a fee to cancel plus we have to relinquish our current plate and pay for a new one...oh well, it is what it is!
It was cloudy for most of the day, making it nicer for Steve who was washing the rest of the trailer and waxing the snout today....
We received a text late morning from Craig, Mountain View Mobile RV Services saying he would be here "this afternoon". So Steve rushed to get finished, leaving the back-end unwashed to avoid a wet mucky mess underneath where Craig would be working. Well, "this afternoon" turned out to be shortly before 5:00. At least it's light out late now...so he spent the next couple of hours patching the crack in the holding tank and replacing the insulation and coroplast liner to the underbelly. While he was doing that, Steve and I sat enjoying the late afternoon sunshine...that finally decided to come out.
It was 7:00 when Craig was finished and presenting us with the bill....reasonable at $418 but still frustrating as he still recommends we replace the tank as soon as possible. Something we'll likely do when we are in Elkhart, Indiana this fall.
Friday morning I headed out in the truck by myself for a final shopping trip before we leave on Sunday. My first stop was Costco...where you have to arrive early in order to get a parking spot big enough for our truck. So I was there waiting with the group of other early shoppers when the doors opened at 10.
After Costco, I headed over to Walmart and then Save-on-Foods before finally getting back home...it was around 2:00 by this time. Although I hate having to drive the truck in the all the traffic here, at least the parking lots are big enough for me to navigate safely.
While I was gone, Steve was busy outside. He finished washing and waxing the back of the trailer, loaded the bikes back onto the rack and bleached and flushed the fresh water tank.
Saturday...and time to get all of last minute work done before we leave. So it was a busy work day! Steve started by washing the truck...oh no, it's going to rain now! LOL! After that was done, he started packing up all the outside stuff.
While he was busy with his chores, I started off by doing laundry and then gave the the inside a final good cleaning...vacuuming, washing floors, bathroom...so we are all clean to start our summer travels!
We were all finished our work, showered and ready for Chris and Angela when they arrived at 3:30...one final visit with them. We sat outside enjoying the late afternoon sunshine...although it wasn't really a sunny day, some was making its way through the light cloud covering.
We decided to go out for dinner tonight...one last visit to The Fort Pub! Steve and Chris went right into the pub while Angela and took a walk up the main street and back...and then joined the guys.
After dinner, we wandered back home and sat inside visiting for another couple of hours. Glad we were able to have one final visit with you! See you both...and our new grandbaby in December!
And that's it...our time back home is over and it's time to hit the road again! Looking forward to our summer/fall travels!
Monday, May 14 to Saturday, May 19, 2018 (Visit to North Saanich, BC)
Well...we're back from a whirlwind 5 day visit over to Vancouver Island! Although we had a couple of appointments scheduled, the focus of this visit was to connect with friends and to have one final visit with Rob, Angie, Conner and Bryce before we hit the road heading east.
Monday morning was spent getting ready to leave. Steve cleared our "yard" of solar and rope lights, so that our gardener could come in and mow the grass while we were away. He also brought out our suitcases from the basement storage.
We left for the ferry shortly after 1:00, stopping at the gatehouse to let them know we were going to be away and to confirm they had our cell number in case an evacuation of the island is ordered with the rising river.
It was a beautiful day for a ferry ride...or as Steve likes to tell me "a cruise". As usual, we parked at the Park and Go and took the free shuttle to the terminal in time for the 3:00 ferry. Upon boarding the ferry, we went right up to the partially enclosed section on the top deck...it has a great view and is out of the wind.
Unfortunately, there is no air circulation at all up front and it was way too hot in there...even after the ferry got moving. I chose to move down one deck to the comfy chairs in the air conditioning...while Steve walked around and took pictures. Roberts Bank Superport in the distance...
Trains bring coal to the North America's biggest coal exporter, Westshore Terminals...left, and Global Container Terminal...right...
Leaving Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Vancouver...
Entering Active Pass, Mayne Island left, Galiano Island right. With the outflow from the Fraser River reaching this far, and changing tides, the water through the pass can be very treacherous to small boats...
Beautiful cottages and homes dot the shoreline...
A ferry from the Victoria side entering Active Pass...
Nice beach with Scotch Broom in bloom, an invasive species native to the Mediterranean and intentionally introduced to BC in 1850 by Captain Walter Grant who plant broom on his farm on Vancouver Island.
Above and below, exiting Active Pass
Most of these small islands near the ferry terminal have homes and cottages on them...
Arriving at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, Sidney (Victoria)...
Timing was perfect on our arrival...we had disembarked and picked up our suitcases just as Rob pulled into the passenger pick-up area. He dropped us off at the airport to pick up our car rental...a cute little Kia Soul...and then we were greeted at the house by a couple of enthusiastic little boys.
Rob and Angie had decided to celebrate Mother's Day with me a day late...preparing a fabulous dinner...
Steak, garlic prawns, mushrooms, potatoes and salad...
It was absolutely delicious...thanks so much!
A little after dinner playtime before bed...Conner arm wrestling dad, Bryce doing somersaults...
Tuesday we planned to visit 2 sets of friends...both "up island" north of Victoria. Doreen and Gerry, long time friends of Steve's family live in Mill Bay. Our intent was to stop at their place for coffee with them and then continue further north to Cowichan Bay for lunch with Jim and Nan. Unfortunately, we were unable to get in touch with Doreen and Gerry...they must be away...so we'll have to try next time we are on the island.
Since we weren't able to stop for coffee with Doreen and Gerry, we managed to get a couple of errands taken care of on our way for lunch. Our first stop was at Peninsula Lifetime Eyecare in Sidney to pick up a supply of contact lenses for both of us, for the next 6 months. Next was at Oceanside RV Park in Saanichton. We plan on spending the Spring and Summer of 2019 on Vancouver Island so wanted to book a site at the RV Park we had stayed at for 4 months in 2010 after we moved into our trailer, just before we retired. With the months of April and May 2019 reserved, and a deposit paid, that chore was taken care of...now it will only be a matter of planning the rest of the summer but that's a long ways off...right now we have to concentrate on this summer and our trip across Canada!
Time to head up island to Cowichan Bay! We stopped at a view point on the Malahat...'The Malahat' is the term commonly applied to the Malahat Drive, a 25 km (15.5 mi) portion of the Trans Canada Highway 1 running along the west side of Saanich Inlet and to the region surrounding it. The road was first cut as a cattle trail in 1861, and was then upgraded to wagon road standards in 1884. It became a paved road in 1911. Its name comes from the Malahat First Nation, whose ancestors used the caves for spiritual enhancement. The Malahat Drive climbs to a summit of 356 m (1,156 ft), and the mountain is considered one of the most sacred sites on southern Vancouver Island.
View of the Saanich Peninsula and the Brentwood Bay Ferry...
We arrived at Jim and Nan's place around 12:30 and found them enjoying the beautiful weather on their back deck. Steve, Nan and Jim. Steve and Jim have known each other since Junior High and have gotten into lots of trouble together :)
After chatting for a bit, we headed a short distance to the Cowichan Bay Pub...and a delicious lunch with a fabulous view!
After a great visit, it was time to head home. It was great seeing you both...thanks for picking up the bill, Jim...not necessary but very nice!
On our way home, we had a slight detour. There is a lot of construction going on right now on the Malahat (in an attempt to make it a safer drive for motorists) and a tandem dump truck had broken down as it turned left onto Shawnigan Lake Road, blocking the south bound lane of traffic.
Wednesday morning started off with the whirlwind of getting the kids fed and ready for school...I don't know if our being there was a help or a hindrance for poor Angie! After getting dressed, Conner had a little time with Grampa viewing different aircraft on the IPad. Like Grampa, Conner loves airplanes!
Before being herded into the car...Bryce is dropped off at daycare, while Conner, dressed in his school uniform, goes with Mom into Victoria where he goes to pre-kindergarten...
Today was "appointment" day for us. We started off with a 10:00 meeting with our Financial Advisor, followed by dental appointments at noon. We get the majority of any dental work required done in Los Algodones, MX at a fraction of the cost here, but we still like to have our teeth cleaned and checked by our long-time dentist. Just shy of an hour later, we were finished. For the very first time, I had a bad experience after the fluoride treatment we always get after our cleaning. I was fine until we had left the building but as we made our way to the car, I got really woozy and my mouth started salivating like crazy...I thought I was going to "toss my cookies"! Luckily I didn't...whew! After a stop to pick up some flowers, we went to visit both sets of parents at the cemetery.
That evening when everyone was home, Brycie opened up his birthday gift from Uncle Chris and Auntie Zia (Angela)....
A Paw Patrol boat and figure (Chase, I believe it says)...
...along with a pair of shorts and 2 t-shirts. Conner had to try one of the t-shirts on...a tad bit small (just a bit short)...too cute!
Grampa and Conner having a game of Battleship...
While Mom and Dad sit on the deck enjoying the late afternoon sunshine with a glass of wine...
Thursday morning was very lazy...I worked on the laptop doing some banking and misc stuff while Steve watched TV and caught up on some blogs.
I was meeting a former co-worker for lunch at the Med Grill in Royal Oak (just north of Victoria) at noon. There are 3 former co-workers that I worked with in HR, BC Assessment for pretty well my whole career...and all 4 of us retired within months of each other. We try to get together at least once a year when I am back in town...but this time there would just be Gwen and I...Lynn extended her visit with her daughter and family in London (I think she was hoping for a last minute invite to the Royal Wedding LOL!)...and Delcie was leaving on a trip to France today! Nonetheless, Gwen and I had a fabulous visit...so much so, that I completely forgot to take a picture!
While I was enjoying my visit with Gwen, Steve stopped for a burger at his favourite spot, A&W then went for a quick visit at Pacific Controls Ltd, seeing his former co-workers, Cheryl and Marty. It was a short visit because I had given him explicit instructions to pick me up at 1:20...that would give us enough time to drop him off at home and allow me to get back into Sidney for my 2:15 haircut appointment. He complained on how short his visit was...sorry about that Cheryl and Marty (he should have picked up his burger and taken to the office and eaten it there!)
Friday morning...and Steve has a full blown cold! He had been feeling a thickness starting in his throat for a couple of days and it was scratchy but today it was sore and he had that deep sexy voice one gets with a sore throat. So it ended up being a stay at home day for him. Actually Angie was the only one going to work today...it was a day off for Conner (what they call a "professional development day" for teachers) so Rob had taken the day off. It was going to be a perfect "guys" day today, leaving me the rental car to do a bunch of stuff that I wanted to do. Unfortunately Steve wasn't feel up to joining in on the "guys" day. After the boys doctor appointment Rob took them to the local RC airfield to see if anyone was flying and there were. They had never been before and thought it was pretty cool.
Meanwhile, I was up and out of the house at 9:00 heading out to Westshore Town Centre, located in Langford just northwest of Victoria. I had a pedicure appointment for 10:00...followed by coffee at 11:00 with my ex-sister-in-law, Linda. It has been quite awhile since I last saw her, so it was great to catch up with her over coffee at Starbucks.
About an hour later, we said our goodbyes...it was time for me to take care of a bunch of other little things, plus pick up some supplies that Conner wanted so his dad could build a paper airplane. It's not just any ordinary paper plane...that we used to make out of a sheet of paper when we were young. Rather a kit that required the purchase of some craft supplies. After a couple of stores, I found all of the things he needed and then headed home.
Conner was overjoyed when I arrived home with all of the supplies he needed...okay, now it's over to dad. It took awhile but Rob had it finished...he wanted to let the glue dry a little longer, but Conner was very anxious, so once mom got home, they headed outside for the test flight...
It worked so well that Rob ended up flying it high into one of the fir trees...and that's where it is until a good wind blows it down! Good thing there are 10 different planes to build in that kit!
Friday night...and a good night to offer Rob and Angie a date night while we look after the kids. They don't get a chance for an evening out alone so they quickly took us up on our offer. While they were getting ready to go out, I made dinner for the boys (including Steve).
Looking good guys! Enjoy your evening!
It was way past the babysitter's bedtime by the time Rob and Angie got home (LOL)...Steve, not feeling that great, had called it a night around 10 and had gone to bed. Rob and Angie had gone to the Stonehouse Restaurant and Pub, at Canoe Cove Marina, not far from the ferry terminal...or home. Sounds like they had a wonderful dinner and then as they were leaving, decided to stop in the pub for a drink. Glad you enjoyed a well deserved evening out!
Saturday morning we had planned to meet good friends Rob and Nancy for breakfast before catching the ferry home. Unfortunately, with Steve not feeling well...and not wanting to take the chance of passing his cold over to them, we cancelled. Instead of a later ferry, we decided on the 11:00 ferry. So with suitcases packed, we had a few last pictures taken...thanks for sharing, Angie! Steve and I with Bryce and Conner...
Rob loaded our cases into his truck...then Angie took one final picture of us with Rob....
With big hugs, we said goodbye...see you in December when we fly home for Christmas! Thanks for all of your hospitality!
We had an uneventful ferry ride...and drive home from the Park and Go. A bonus though...we were only charged $12/day parking, which is the regular car parking charge. Semi-tractor parking is $14/day. We didn't complain though!
As we crossed the bridge back over to Brae Island, I snapped a picture of the overflowing Fraser River. First of all, this is a picture taken April 21, 2017 which gives you a better idea of where the river level usually is...
This is it now...
It's a busy long weekend here but the campground is not full...which really surprised us. Perhaps people changed their minds with the possibility of having to evacuate due to the rising river?
After suitcases were unpacked, Steve decided to take advantage of cold water in the hot water tank to drain and flush it and replace the anode (probably the last thing he felt like doing)
Yikes, Steve normally changes the anode every 12 months...this is all that's left of it after 16 months!
Lots of calcium deposits came out with the flushing...
With that done, we had happy hour outside...May long weekend is when they start hay rides. The kids love it!
And that brings us up-to-date again. We're going to have a busy final week here as we do all of the last minute cleaning before we hit the road east!
Monday morning was spent getting ready to leave. Steve cleared our "yard" of solar and rope lights, so that our gardener could come in and mow the grass while we were away. He also brought out our suitcases from the basement storage.
We left for the ferry shortly after 1:00, stopping at the gatehouse to let them know we were going to be away and to confirm they had our cell number in case an evacuation of the island is ordered with the rising river.
It was a beautiful day for a ferry ride...or as Steve likes to tell me "a cruise". As usual, we parked at the Park and Go and took the free shuttle to the terminal in time for the 3:00 ferry. Upon boarding the ferry, we went right up to the partially enclosed section on the top deck...it has a great view and is out of the wind.
Unfortunately, there is no air circulation at all up front and it was way too hot in there...even after the ferry got moving. I chose to move down one deck to the comfy chairs in the air conditioning...while Steve walked around and took pictures. Roberts Bank Superport in the distance...
Trains bring coal to the North America's biggest coal exporter, Westshore Terminals...left, and Global Container Terminal...right...
Leaving Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal, Vancouver...
Entering Active Pass, Mayne Island left, Galiano Island right. With the outflow from the Fraser River reaching this far, and changing tides, the water through the pass can be very treacherous to small boats...
Beautiful cottages and homes dot the shoreline...
A ferry from the Victoria side entering Active Pass...
Nice beach with Scotch Broom in bloom, an invasive species native to the Mediterranean and intentionally introduced to BC in 1850 by Captain Walter Grant who plant broom on his farm on Vancouver Island.
Above and below, exiting Active Pass
Most of these small islands near the ferry terminal have homes and cottages on them...
Arriving at Swartz Bay Ferry Terminal, Sidney (Victoria)...
Timing was perfect on our arrival...we had disembarked and picked up our suitcases just as Rob pulled into the passenger pick-up area. He dropped us off at the airport to pick up our car rental...a cute little Kia Soul...and then we were greeted at the house by a couple of enthusiastic little boys.
Steak, garlic prawns, mushrooms, potatoes and salad...
It was absolutely delicious...thanks so much!
A little after dinner playtime before bed...Conner arm wrestling dad, Bryce doing somersaults...
Tuesday we planned to visit 2 sets of friends...both "up island" north of Victoria. Doreen and Gerry, long time friends of Steve's family live in Mill Bay. Our intent was to stop at their place for coffee with them and then continue further north to Cowichan Bay for lunch with Jim and Nan. Unfortunately, we were unable to get in touch with Doreen and Gerry...they must be away...so we'll have to try next time we are on the island.
Since we weren't able to stop for coffee with Doreen and Gerry, we managed to get a couple of errands taken care of on our way for lunch. Our first stop was at Peninsula Lifetime Eyecare in Sidney to pick up a supply of contact lenses for both of us, for the next 6 months. Next was at Oceanside RV Park in Saanichton. We plan on spending the Spring and Summer of 2019 on Vancouver Island so wanted to book a site at the RV Park we had stayed at for 4 months in 2010 after we moved into our trailer, just before we retired. With the months of April and May 2019 reserved, and a deposit paid, that chore was taken care of...now it will only be a matter of planning the rest of the summer but that's a long ways off...right now we have to concentrate on this summer and our trip across Canada!
Time to head up island to Cowichan Bay! We stopped at a view point on the Malahat...'The Malahat' is the term commonly applied to the Malahat Drive, a 25 km (15.5 mi) portion of the Trans Canada Highway 1 running along the west side of Saanich Inlet and to the region surrounding it. The road was first cut as a cattle trail in 1861, and was then upgraded to wagon road standards in 1884. It became a paved road in 1911. Its name comes from the Malahat First Nation, whose ancestors used the caves for spiritual enhancement. The Malahat Drive climbs to a summit of 356 m (1,156 ft), and the mountain is considered one of the most sacred sites on southern Vancouver Island.
View of the Saanich Peninsula and the Brentwood Bay Ferry...
We arrived at Jim and Nan's place around 12:30 and found them enjoying the beautiful weather on their back deck. Steve, Nan and Jim. Steve and Jim have known each other since Junior High and have gotten into lots of trouble together :)
After chatting for a bit, we headed a short distance to the Cowichan Bay Pub...and a delicious lunch with a fabulous view!
After a great visit, it was time to head home. It was great seeing you both...thanks for picking up the bill, Jim...not necessary but very nice!
On our way home, we had a slight detour. There is a lot of construction going on right now on the Malahat (in an attempt to make it a safer drive for motorists) and a tandem dump truck had broken down as it turned left onto Shawnigan Lake Road, blocking the south bound lane of traffic.
Wednesday morning started off with the whirlwind of getting the kids fed and ready for school...I don't know if our being there was a help or a hindrance for poor Angie! After getting dressed, Conner had a little time with Grampa viewing different aircraft on the IPad. Like Grampa, Conner loves airplanes!
Before being herded into the car...Bryce is dropped off at daycare, while Conner, dressed in his school uniform, goes with Mom into Victoria where he goes to pre-kindergarten...
Today was "appointment" day for us. We started off with a 10:00 meeting with our Financial Advisor, followed by dental appointments at noon. We get the majority of any dental work required done in Los Algodones, MX at a fraction of the cost here, but we still like to have our teeth cleaned and checked by our long-time dentist. Just shy of an hour later, we were finished. For the very first time, I had a bad experience after the fluoride treatment we always get after our cleaning. I was fine until we had left the building but as we made our way to the car, I got really woozy and my mouth started salivating like crazy...I thought I was going to "toss my cookies"! Luckily I didn't...whew! After a stop to pick up some flowers, we went to visit both sets of parents at the cemetery.
That evening when everyone was home, Brycie opened up his birthday gift from Uncle Chris and Auntie Zia (Angela)....
A Paw Patrol boat and figure (Chase, I believe it says)...
...along with a pair of shorts and 2 t-shirts. Conner had to try one of the t-shirts on...a tad bit small (just a bit short)...too cute!
Grampa and Conner having a game of Battleship...
While Mom and Dad sit on the deck enjoying the late afternoon sunshine with a glass of wine...
Thursday morning was very lazy...I worked on the laptop doing some banking and misc stuff while Steve watched TV and caught up on some blogs.
I was meeting a former co-worker for lunch at the Med Grill in Royal Oak (just north of Victoria) at noon. There are 3 former co-workers that I worked with in HR, BC Assessment for pretty well my whole career...and all 4 of us retired within months of each other. We try to get together at least once a year when I am back in town...but this time there would just be Gwen and I...Lynn extended her visit with her daughter and family in London (I think she was hoping for a last minute invite to the Royal Wedding LOL!)...and Delcie was leaving on a trip to France today! Nonetheless, Gwen and I had a fabulous visit...so much so, that I completely forgot to take a picture!
While I was enjoying my visit with Gwen, Steve stopped for a burger at his favourite spot, A&W then went for a quick visit at Pacific Controls Ltd, seeing his former co-workers, Cheryl and Marty. It was a short visit because I had given him explicit instructions to pick me up at 1:20...that would give us enough time to drop him off at home and allow me to get back into Sidney for my 2:15 haircut appointment. He complained on how short his visit was...sorry about that Cheryl and Marty (he should have picked up his burger and taken to the office and eaten it there!)
Friday morning...and Steve has a full blown cold! He had been feeling a thickness starting in his throat for a couple of days and it was scratchy but today it was sore and he had that deep sexy voice one gets with a sore throat. So it ended up being a stay at home day for him. Actually Angie was the only one going to work today...it was a day off for Conner (what they call a "professional development day" for teachers) so Rob had taken the day off. It was going to be a perfect "guys" day today, leaving me the rental car to do a bunch of stuff that I wanted to do. Unfortunately Steve wasn't feel up to joining in on the "guys" day. After the boys doctor appointment Rob took them to the local RC airfield to see if anyone was flying and there were. They had never been before and thought it was pretty cool.
Meanwhile, I was up and out of the house at 9:00 heading out to Westshore Town Centre, located in Langford just northwest of Victoria. I had a pedicure appointment for 10:00...followed by coffee at 11:00 with my ex-sister-in-law, Linda. It has been quite awhile since I last saw her, so it was great to catch up with her over coffee at Starbucks.
About an hour later, we said our goodbyes...it was time for me to take care of a bunch of other little things, plus pick up some supplies that Conner wanted so his dad could build a paper airplane. It's not just any ordinary paper plane...that we used to make out of a sheet of paper when we were young. Rather a kit that required the purchase of some craft supplies. After a couple of stores, I found all of the things he needed and then headed home.
Conner was overjoyed when I arrived home with all of the supplies he needed...okay, now it's over to dad. It took awhile but Rob had it finished...he wanted to let the glue dry a little longer, but Conner was very anxious, so once mom got home, they headed outside for the test flight...
It worked so well that Rob ended up flying it high into one of the fir trees...and that's where it is until a good wind blows it down! Good thing there are 10 different planes to build in that kit!
Friday night...and a good night to offer Rob and Angie a date night while we look after the kids. They don't get a chance for an evening out alone so they quickly took us up on our offer. While they were getting ready to go out, I made dinner for the boys (including Steve).
Looking good guys! Enjoy your evening!
After dinner, with pj's on...we built their bed by bringing all the cushions off the furniture in the living room...then it was movie time! They are so absorbed with the show...
They watched 2 episodes of Power Rangers and then the movie Ice Age 5. By this time it was around 9:30...and time for bed...no problem there! Teeth brushed and up the stairs they go with their pillows with no objections! While I read them a few stories, Steve cleaned up their downstairs bed....the end to a great evening!It was way past the babysitter's bedtime by the time Rob and Angie got home (LOL)...Steve, not feeling that great, had called it a night around 10 and had gone to bed. Rob and Angie had gone to the Stonehouse Restaurant and Pub, at Canoe Cove Marina, not far from the ferry terminal...or home. Sounds like they had a wonderful dinner and then as they were leaving, decided to stop in the pub for a drink. Glad you enjoyed a well deserved evening out!
Saturday morning we had planned to meet good friends Rob and Nancy for breakfast before catching the ferry home. Unfortunately, with Steve not feeling well...and not wanting to take the chance of passing his cold over to them, we cancelled. Instead of a later ferry, we decided on the 11:00 ferry. So with suitcases packed, we had a few last pictures taken...thanks for sharing, Angie! Steve and I with Bryce and Conner...
Rob loaded our cases into his truck...then Angie took one final picture of us with Rob....
With big hugs, we said goodbye...see you in December when we fly home for Christmas! Thanks for all of your hospitality!
We had an uneventful ferry ride...and drive home from the Park and Go. A bonus though...we were only charged $12/day parking, which is the regular car parking charge. Semi-tractor parking is $14/day. We didn't complain though!
As we crossed the bridge back over to Brae Island, I snapped a picture of the overflowing Fraser River. First of all, this is a picture taken April 21, 2017 which gives you a better idea of where the river level usually is...
This is it now...
It's a busy long weekend here but the campground is not full...which really surprised us. Perhaps people changed their minds with the possibility of having to evacuate due to the rising river?
After suitcases were unpacked, Steve decided to take advantage of cold water in the hot water tank to drain and flush it and replace the anode (probably the last thing he felt like doing)
Yikes, Steve normally changes the anode every 12 months...this is all that's left of it after 16 months!
Lots of calcium deposits came out with the flushing...
With that done, we had happy hour outside...May long weekend is when they start hay rides. The kids love it!
And that brings us up-to-date again. We're going to have a busy final week here as we do all of the last minute cleaning before we hit the road east!
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