Tuesday was a work day...Steve decided it was time to test the generator after getting it back from being repaired. All seemed fine, thank goodness. He then continued on with maintenance of the generator...changing the oil and cleaning the air filters and spark arrester.
While he was doing that, I was inside cleaning...vacuuming, and all that fun stuff! I took this picture of the lily plant that Chris and Angela gave me for Mother's Day...it is now in full bloom and just beautiful!

Wednesday morning Steve headed off at around 10:00 to run a bunch of errands. He was looking to replace the trailer spare tire with a better used one. Also one of his rear quad tires has had a slow leak. They found that the sidewall had the leak and couldn't be patched so Steve gave them a spare tube he had to install... it was after 2:00 when he finally got home.
While he was gone, I took my time puttering around the trailer and then walked into Fort Langley. On my way I took this picture of the Fraser River from the bridge...the water level has really risen in the past few days!
Thursday was our Wedding Anniversary...32 wonderful years! We got through all those years of work, building our dream home and raising two incredible boys (now grown men)...and are now living the lifestyle that we had only dreamed of throughout all those years! Yes, dreams can come true!
We were actually up and out fairly early for us...it was 9:30 when we headed out to Abbotsford. It may sound strange to drive 23 kilometres to fill the truck with diesel but with the cost over 10 cents/litre lower there than in Langley/Surrey, we decided to make the short trip. We hadn't filled up since March 28th when we stopped in Ferndale, Washington before crossing the border back into Canada. We managed to get over 1100 kilometres on that fill up...the best mileage we have ever gotten...mind you, we weren't towing at all either. According to the news this week we Canadians are now paying 30% more for fuel then our American friends. :-(
After filling up, we thought we would stop at Fraserway RV, just down the road. With nothing else planned, we decided to go wander around their parts/accessory store...we even went and checked out some new fifth-wheels. We're not in the market for a new one...but it's always fun to look. Nothing particularly took our fancy...they all seem so dark inside with dark wood and smokey windows. One of the rigs, a Redwood that the fellow took us into had had the big 55" LED TV stolen out of it the night before. Apparently a few others were broken into recently...hmmm...even though they have security I think they had better step it up!
Today was one of those "long" days, where you look at your watch and it's only 1:30 but feels like it should be at least 3:30! Probably because we were up and out by 9:30 this morning instead of 11:30...LOL!

Back home, we sat outside reading for the rest of the afternoon until it was time to walk into town to the Fort Pub for our anniversary dinner.

Rain was the order of the day for Friday...it just poured out all morning! It finally stopped at about 2:00 so we headed out for a long walk across the bridge, and along the river. After that bit of exercise, we sat outside reading for the rest of the afternoon...little bits of sun even managed to poke through for our happy hour...nice!
Saturday was a cloudy day, for the most part...but it didn't rain, so that was a bonus! I went out for a good power walk/run...taking our usual 3.6 mile/5.8 km route. I was back in about 40 minutes to find Steve outside working on the trailer. He replaced a broken latch on the basement door and then tackled the bulb seal on the slide. He's had a heck-of-a-time finding this bulb seal but after much perseverance, he finally got some at an RV place in Langley. He had checked with this company last week giving them a description and was told it would have to be ordered in, so this time he took in a sample and they had 55' left in stock...SOLD!
Old seal is split...

See the bench...now in the water...

We sat outside relaxing and reading for the rest of the afternoon...the sun even poked through a bit!
Today (Sunday) was another very rainy day. It was a stay inside day with Steve watching "his" documentaries on TV and me reading and working on this blog post. At 3:00 I decided to walk into town to the market...rain or no rain! The rain wasn't too bad...it wasn't pouring, just a steady shower. I was only gone about 45 minutes, but it felt good getting out for a bit of a walk and some fresh air.
Well, that's it for now. We are heading back over to the island on Wednesday afternoon. I have an appointment with my "knee doctor" and Steve another dentist appointment. Best of all, we'll get to see Conner (and Rob and Angie, too, of course)! Chris and Angela are also going over for the weekend, so it will be a family get together...and perhaps a little early birthday celebration for Rob!