Saturday, June 22 to Tuesday, June 25, 2024 (Lake Cowichan, BC)

With big hugs, we said goodbye to Rob, Angie and the boys on Saturday (June 22) and hit the road just before 10:00.  Thanks so much for all your hospitality...loved spending time with Conner and Bryce! Take care of that arm, Bryce! Looking forward to seeing you all at the end of July for our family fishing/camping trip!

Instead of going straight to Lake Cowichan, we stopped in Mill Bay for a visit with old family friends, Doreen and Gerry. We chatted over coffee for a good hour and then were on our way. Wonderful catching up with you both 💕. 

We arrived at Ray and Deb's at 1:00...after big hugs, we brought our suitcases into the house. Deb had lunch ready...she has a big dinner planned so said she'd put together a few snacky things...HA! I don't think Barbecued Pork Souvlaki with homemade Pita bread and Tzatziki is exactly a few snacky things! But it was delicious and very much appreciated!

It was windy out on the back deck...and smoky because Deb had a turkey on the we sat outside in their newly created front patio. So much more room out there now that they no longer have a huge motorhome in the driveway!
When it was time for Deb to take the smoked turkey off the Traeger and let it "rest"...
Ray made us Margaritas...YUM!
And we sat out under the gazebo on the back favourite spot! The 2 heaters are on as well as the fire table...perfect as it was a little chilly!
Deb invited their next door neighbours, Roy and June, to join us... (Deb’s photo)
A delicious dinner...including cheesecake for dessert! Although we had met Roy and June previously, it was really nice to spend more time with them...lovely folks!

Sunday (June 23) morning after our coffee, Ray, Steve and I hit the hot tub. Unfortunately Deb could not join us as she had a broken blister on her big toe...Ahhh! (Deb’s photo)
Today we are going out on a little tour of the Maple Bay and area. The forecast was for rain at the lake, but mainly sun "over there" it was a good day to re-visit the area and a couple of pubs. Our first stop was at the Lion Rampart Scottish Pub...
Beautiful view of Maple Bay...
We sat out on the deck and enjoyed a brew. The wind would occasionally come up making it a little chilly but for the most part it was lovely out there... 
We explored the area beyond the pub until the road ended... (Ray's photo)
Our next stop was further down into the bay at Maple Bay Marina...where we wandered around checking out the sights...(Ray's photo)

And then went into the Shipyard Restaurant and Pub for lunch...
Again, we sat out on their patio where it had a glass enclosure to keep most of the wind away...
Next up was a short drive further south to Genoa Bay. Freighters often anchor in the bay as they wait to be loaded/off-loaded at the various ports around the Vancouver area...
Genoa Bay Marina...
Can you see the Blue Heron sculpture made from metal pipe and a rock on top of the large rock?
How about now?
The tide was out so the ramp to the dock was very steep. That didn't stop Steve and Ray from going down though. Maybe not the best activity for your new knee Ray! 😉
Checking out the Orca...

It was a great tour around the area...but Ray's back and leg had had enough. Time to go home! And time for more margaritas and sitting on the deck!

A little more sunshine Monday (June 24) morning...and gorgeous views!

Deb and I went to the local grocery store and picked up a few things. While we were gone, Steve and Ray took their drones to a nearby ball field. Ray's first outdoor drone flight with his new drone...
Steve took a 1:28 minute 360 degree view video from 300'...
Lake Cowichan is about 30 kms/18.6 miles in length...The red square indicates the area where Ray and Deb live....
The rest of the morning for Deb and I was basically spent in the kitchen getting beef bourguignon ready for the instant pot. Deb is making it for dinner tonight and taking it next door to Roy and June's where we are going to watch the final Stanley Cup Playoff game.

While we were doing that, Steve and Ray enjoyed the sunshine out in the back yard. We managed to join them while the chicken wings Deb had marinating were cooking in the oven...did I say we always eat very well while visiting the Kyles?

A pub lunch today...chicken wings with carrot and celery sticks...
At 4:45, we all headed next door to watch the game in Roy and June's theatre room. awesome is that? Thanks so much for inviting us Roy and June!

After the first period, we all went upstairs to the dining room for dinner... (Deb's photo)
It was a great game, but unfortunately the Edmonton Oilers were defeated by the Florida Panthers 2-1, so the Stanley Cup went to the Panthers. Hopefully next year, it will go to a Canadian team!

It was a beautiful start to the day Tuesday (June 25)...
Panoramic view from the loft outside our bedroom...
Figures the nicest day since we got here is the day we have to leave!
Deb made blueberry pancakes for breakfast...delicious! Thanks Deb! A nice surprise as I figured we'd just grab a piece of toast. 

We were all packed up and ready to go by 9:30...after big hugs, we were off. Thank you so very much for all of your hospitality, Deb and Ray! We always have a blast when we come for a visit! Hopefully we'll be able to get together again before we head south this winter.

An hour and a half later we were pulling into Rathtrevor Beach Provincial Park. Our good friends, Rob and Nancy are camping there and since we didn't see them when we were in North Saanich, we thought we'd stop by for a quick visit on our way home. Steve and Rob have been buddies since grade 8...
We spent an hour catching up with them and then headed off. As usual, great seeing you both...enjoy the rest of your camping trip!

We stopped for lunch in Qualicum Beach and were home just after 3:00. We got the car unloaded and suitcases emptied...and then relaxed for the rest of the afternoon/evening. As usual, good to get away...but always great to get home!

Monday, June 17 to Friday, June 21, 2024 (North Saanich, BC)

We were packed up and on the road by 8:40 Monday (June 17)...on our way down island to Rob and Angie's to look after Conner and Bryce. They have finished school for the summer but Angie has one final week of work left before she is off (she works at the same school the boys go to). 

It was noon when we arrived...getting big hugs from both boys. We unloaded the car and basically chilled the rest of the afternoon...of course, I did laundry. Always take advantage of laundry facilities when we go down to Rob's or over to Coquitlam to Chris's.

Tuesday (June18) morning we took the boys to John Dean Park for a long hike. We have done it with them numerous times but we love it. It is one with a lot of elevation changes and starts immediately by going up, way up...ugh! 

Then we go down...
And down, Bryce is already sitting at the bluff...
And down...
To Pickles Bluff with fabulous views!
Sidney in the distance...
Steve took a short 24 second video...
After enjoying the view there, we continued on...this is a bit of a challenge for Gramma, but I did it!
Split rock...
Pine cone fight begins!

Emerald Pool...
First Nations people have stripped bark off these cedar trees...
A rest at Lily Pond...
Such a beautiful hike! Unfortunately, my FitBit GPS did not record, likely due to the dense forest but I think it was roughly 5 km/3 miles. 

We went home for lunch and chilled for a bit and then headed into Sidney.  I dropped Steve and the boys off at the Skate Park while I ran an errand and picked up a few groceries.

A 54 second video Steve took...

Wednesday (June19) was an absolutely beautiful sunny day...perfect for a walk on the breakwater at Ogden Point at the waterfront in Victoria.

This is the beach along Dallas Road with the start of the Ogden Point Breakwater. Lots of pictures painted on it...
It's almost .8 km/.5 miles to the lighthouse. In the distance are the Olympic Mountains in Washington State... 
A busy day on the water with whale watching and fishing boats as well as tug boats...

We walked to the Breakwater Lighthouse at the end and then Steve and the boys took the stairs to the lower level and walked along the granite blocks...
I walked beside them...only I was up top...
We're cool!
We came across theses researchers inspecting reef balls with their ROV. The guy in the blue shirt was wearing FPV!
Pilot Boats are used to guide freighters through Juan De Fuca Straits...
Next was Fisherman's Wharf and lunch at the world famous Barb's Fish and Chips...
Iconic Barb's Fish & Chips is floating in Victoria BC’s Inner Harbour at the vibrant Fisherman’s Wharf and has been serving up delicious fresh seafood for over 40 years.
Down the ramp we go...
Fish and chips, prawns, and a hotdog...
View from our table...
Lots of other eateries on Fisherman's Wharf...we might have to try a different one next time!
On our way to Jackson's Ice-cream...
We wandered around the wharfs checking out the float homes...
Check out the door mat and signs on this float home...

View across the harbour...

You can take a variety of tours on these Harbour Ferries...

Whale Watching Tour Boats...
A great day!

Pulled Pork sandwiches for dinner...delicious!
After dinner Conner and Bryce went out for a bike ride on the trails behind the house...well, Bryce ended up taking a header off his bike and landing in a ditch. He spent the rest of the evening with ice on his swollen wrist/arm. He managed to sleep the night but was still sore Thursday (June 20) morning...his arm above his wrist was still swollen and he threw up at breakfast. So just after 9:00 Rob and Bryce headed to the emergency dept. at Saanich Peninsula Hospital...where they spent the day! Rob happened to have the day off but wasn't expecting to spend it in emergency! 

The x-ray showed a break in the bone just above the wrist on his right arm. He had to be "put out" to have it reset...poor little guy had a hard time coming out of it. But they finally got home...after 7 hours in the hospital.

Meanwhile, back at home Steve, Conner and I had a quiet morning. Here's Conner wearing his FPV goggles flying his fighter jet. You can watch everything he's doing on his computer screen.`
After lunch, the three of us headed into Victoria. Just shy of 43 years Steve's former colleague is retiring at the end of the month, so we stopped in at the office, dropping off a card and bottle of wine...All the best in your retirement, Cheryl!

After that, we went out to Colwood to visit Steve's sister and her husband, Nadine and Mike. We had a lovely visit with them...but no pictures were taken! Great seeing you both...and your cookies were delicious! 

After a particularly trying day for Bryce yesterday, we decided to take it easy on Friday (June 21). Amazingly enough, Bryce is still able to play some games on his computer using his left hand. Poor guy is right handed and of course, can't do anything he loves to do...mainly playing catch/baseball (remember the wicked arm I said he had?), swimming, all those fun summer activities. With any luck, there is the possibility that he will be able to have the cast taken off in 3 to 4 weeks...fingers crossed for you buddy!

We were going to go into Sidney to walk the waterfront, but it is quite a warm afternoon, so we chose to walk the trails in the shade behind the house instead...besides, Bryce wanted to show us where he "wiped out"...
We've really enjoyed taking care of the boys this week...but tomorrow we are saying goodbye and heading to visit friends, Deb and Ray in Lake Cowichan for a few days. Stay tuned to read about the fun we had there!