Sunday and finally no rain! Plus a beautiful sunrise...reminds us of Utah or Arizona.
We puttered around all morning and then headed out about 12:15 to drop Steve's quad off at Rob's in preparation for their deer hunting trip...they leave next weekend. On our way, we fueled the truck up with diesel (Steve wants to have both tanks full with Stanadyne Fuel Additive while it sits all winter). He also filled his gas containers for the quad...we will also drop them off.
Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of the off loading, pumping up the tires, driving it up the driveway and loading it into the cargo trailer. That's twice we've been here in the last week and both times, the camera didn't come out! We're slipping!
After the work was done, we sat outside in the sun discussing the upcoming trip. It's an annual trip that Steve has been unable to join for the last 10 years because we are normally on our way south. Having said that, he did go last year for a couple of days but didn't get a hunting license as it was just before my knee replacement surgery so he had to come home and take care me. The trip is usually just our son, Rob, along with Steve's good friend, Jim. Jim's son, Jay, who is the same age as Rob, lives down in Colorado now so its kind of cool that Rob and Jim get together annually with both Steve and Jay not here. This year Steve is really looking forward to partaking in the week-long hunting/camping trip.
After we got home, we had a video chat with Chris, Angela and Isaac. We're used to seeing them every weekend, so really miss them but we're going to try to keep up seeing them virtually.
Monday (Sept. 28) was shopping day! The weather has gone from rain to sunny with beautiful clear blue sky today! Nice that summer has returned for a week or so!
We left fairly early with our first stop in Victoria to purchase ATV insurance. It was due last June but since we knew we wouldn't be riding them, we let it lapse. It took a little longer than just renewing since she had to start up a whole new plan.
Once that was done, we headed out to Costco. Steve filled a propane tank while I did some shopping. We topped the car off with gas on our way out...$1.18/per litre is five cents cheaper than the usual $1.23 (for our American friends, 3.78 litres equals 1 US gallon...ya, that's about $4.68/gallon).
Next stop was Canadian Tire to pick up more hunting trip supplies. After a stop at the A and W drive thru (again!) for a bite to eat, we were home around 2:00.
We received an email that Steve's replacement binoculars had been delivered to Rob and Angie' off we go to pick them up and drop our morning purchases off. Steve's old binoculars were 15 to 20 years old but fortunately Bushnell has a lifetime warranty. When we got to the house, there was an empty box on the front step with the packing paper strewn about. Someone stole the binoculars right off the doorstep! Of course, we jumped to that conclusion because of the news that this was happening in various locations. However, we had no idea that Angie was home with the boys...a case of sniffles, so decided best to keep them home. Needless to say we were so happy to find that Bryce had unpacked the box and taken the binoculars inside! We had a good laugh about that! Mind you, thinking about it, what thief would take the time to unpack the box on the front step and only take the contents? We dropped the things off that we had purchased for the hunting trip and then Steve went down to the cargo trailer to put the license renewal tags on his quad.
It was after 3:30 by the we got home...that was a fast day!
Tuesday (Sept. 29), after our usual morning, we got out for a walk around the campground...another beautiful day! We sat outside enjoying the sunshine for awhile and then Steve had an early lunch and headed off at 11:30. He's going up to the Victoria Fish and Game Protective Association on the Malahat to sight in his rifle. The last time he shot his rifle was back in 2012 on an Elk hunt. He tried siting in his rifle and said he couldn't hit the broad side of a barn! So on our way to Alaska in 2013 he left his rifle with a gunsmith in Whitehorse, Yukon who found a crack in the stock that was enough to throw of his aim.
I had a rather productive afternoon while he was gone...defrosted the freezer, did a load of laundry, vacuumed, and cancelled our Bell Internet MiFi name a few.
Steve got home just before 3:00. He was pleased that the gunsmith was right and after a dozen shots he was in the bullseye!
Wednesday (Sept. 30) morning when Steve opened up the blinds, we noticed that we did not have the clear blue sky that we have enjoyed the last few days. We later realized that is was high-level smoke back from the wildfires in California.
Steve went for a haircut but other than that, not much today.
I had volunteered to do Rob's grocery shopping for their upcoming hunting trip...what a nice mom, eh? So Thursday (Oct. 1) morning, I headed off into Sidney. I also had to finish up shopping for Steve. They were sharing the main meals...Steve taking 3 and Rob 3 but they both needed their own "extras"...snacks, etc.
When I got home, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful day and go for a walk along the Sidney waterfront. A great 5 km/3 mile walk...and as I've said before, our favourite! Still some remnants of the smoke lingering...a little hazy.
This tug and barge had just offloaded a couple of vehicles from one of the islands...
That afternoon, Andy and Tami came over for a physically distanced happy hour. We met them last summer while staying here at Oceanside. They were here all winter due to some health issues of Andy's (basically a reconstruction of his leg). Very unfortunate as they were new full-time RV'ers that had planned on their first trip south last winter. Luckily, though, they were able to stay here last winter...and will be here through this winter as well.
We spent a couple of hours catching good to see them again!
Friday (Oct. 2) Steve continued getting ready for his week away. Later on in the afternoon, we went to the house and dropped all of his stuff off except his suitcase...that way when Rob picks him up bright and early tomorrow morning, he'll only have his suitcase and rifle to take out to the truck.
Rob had taken most of the afternoon off, so we had a chat with him and then left him to finish his pack up of the truck and cargo trailer. I think there are a couple of excited guys looking forward to getting out in the backwoods and some "guy time"!
Saturday (Oct. 3) morning we were up just after 5:00. Steve wanted to be up early so he'd have plenty of time to finish packing and be ready for when Rob picked him up.
And right on time at 6:45, Rob pulled up in his truck, towing the cargo trailer. Steve put the rest of his stuff in truck/trailer, and after a quick goodbye from both of them, they were off!
I puttered around, did the dishes and then drove to the Sidney waterfront for a 5km walk...very foggy!
Not much of a view this morning!
Once back, I showered, packed and was away on my little road trip up to visit Deb and Ray at their beautiful spot on Lake Cowichan.
I arrived at about 2:00 and after bringing my suitcase in, I joined them out back where they were having a fire. Their daughter, Kristi, had also come down from Nanaimo for the night.
Once it got a little too cool with the breeze, we went up to the deck. Besides, Deb had a beef brisket going on the Traeger smoker since 5:45 this morning and wanted to be closer to monitor it as it got closer to dinner time.
Deb and Ray...
Kristi and I...
Brisket is done!
Dinner time! Here I am attempting another selfie LOL!
Sunday (Oct. 4) morning Deb outdid herself again, making fabulous German Pancakes for breakfast.
OMG! Delicious!
After breakfast, and with the kitchen all cleaned up, we said goodbye to Kristi (returning to Nanaimo today), loaded the 3 dogs (grandma and grandpa are looking after Kristi's two for a couple of days) and headed off to Skutz Falls to see if the salmon were climbing the fish ladders.
No sign of any fish...possibly too early?
We made a number of stops along the Cowichan River...beautiful area, especially with the fall colours and my finger...LOL! It has been years since I've been in this area!
Me in the back seat with Athena and Freya...Zeus is lying down beside Freya...
Back home, Deb made beef dip from the left over brisket...again, yummy! Then we lazed on the deck for the rest of the afternoon. Ahhhhhh.....pretty hard to take LOL!
Ray and I decided to go for a hot tub while the master chef prepared another fabulous dinner...
Dinner tonight was Braised Pork Belly in a noodle bowl...

Another delicious meal! Notice only chopsticks on the table...I fumbled for awhile and then Ray took pity on me and gave me a fork. Reminded us of funny story about chopsticks and our arthritic RV friend, Dino!
Monday (Oct. 5) morning, we were having our coffee when Deb asked what I'd like for breakfast...just toast would be fine, I said. Well, while I was upstairs showering and packing...toast "morphed" into eggs, ham and hash-brown patties. Good thing I'm going home today...if I stayed, I'd gain back the 18 pounds that I have worked very hard to loose!
Just after 9:30, we headed into Duncan for our pedicure appointment. Afterwards it was lunch on the patio of Original Joe's Restaurant and Bar...a great way to end a wonderful weekend!
After lunch, Deb and I parted ways...thanks so much for all your hospitality, I had a great time! Absolutely love your little piece of paradise!
Tuesday (Oct 6) morning I was awake just before 5:00...geez, I have the whole bed to myself and I can't even sleep in! After fighting to no avail to get back to sleep, I finally gave up and decided to go put the coffee on. (Steve: She missed me!)
It was another very foggy start to the day...not clearing until early afternoon. I made a small lasagne to take over to Angie and the boys and other than that, my morning and early afternoon was spent just puttering around.
I left at about 3:00 to go for a walk along the Sidney waterfront. After the fog had burned off, it ended up being a beautiful day, although still chilly along the waterfront.
A paddle-boarder enjoying the calm waters...
There was a band playing at the Art Centre at Tulista Park, where I parked my car...
On the way over to drop the lasagne off, I picked up an iced coffee and went to a park at Patricia Bay on the other side of the peninsula. Enjoyed the sun, drinking my coffee and watching a float plane land near the Coast Guard Base...
I dropped the lasagne off with Angie and the boys, had a quick visit with them and then was on my way home.
Wednesday (Oct. 7) was pretty much a repeat of yesterday. I did a load of laundry and some house work and then drove into Sidney for another walk along the waterfront. Still a fog bank in the distance...
Port Sidney Marina...

Thursday (Oct. 8) morning I was up and out just before day for me! After a stop at Costco and the Real Canadian Super Store, I was home around 1:00. I put everything away, had a bite to eat then was off into guessed it, for a another walk along the waterfront. This is likely the last one this week as there is rain in the forecast tomorrow. Yup...those clouds look ominous...
Friday (Oct. 9) morning, it was socked right in with fog and then the rain started at about 8:30. It ended up being an inside day for me...other than a quick walk around the campground during a break from the rain in the afternoon.
I put a batch of yogurt on in my Instant Pot, did a little baking and spent most of the day binge-watching old episodes of Outlander...something I've been doing off and on all week (since I have control of the TV remote with Steve away LOL)
Saturday (Oct. 10) morning I went into Sidney to pick up a few things before Steve got home. He and Rob pulled in about 12:30. I helped unload his stuff, had a chat with Rob and then he was off home and Steve came in immediately, unpacked, and jumped in the shower.
It sounds like they had a fabulous time...I'll pass this over to Steve now, to let you know how his week was....
Oct. 3rd...Rob picked me up at 6:45 a.m. and we met Jim and his neighbour David in Lake Cowichan just before 8 a.m. after stopping for ice and fuel. Then we were off to our favourite hunting area near McClure Lake. It's always nice to show up at your camp and find some assholes left all their garbage and a lawn chair for your enjoyment!
Hunting Vancouver Island Black Tail Deer is tough. A fully grown deer is only 125 to 165 lbs and may only dress out to 85 lbs of meat. The terrain is rugged and the fireweed is usually taller than the deer.
David had made himself a neat shelter in the bed of his truck using plastic pipe, canvas and a tarp. However it's not been weather tested for McClure Lake monsoons.
Jim's hovel...
Rob has my old trailer. Jim, David and Rob...
After having a bite to eat and relaxing a bit we all headed off in different directions for an evening hunt...Dave, Jim and I on our quads and Rob in his truck. Unfortunately there wasn't enough room to bring Dianne's quad for Rob to ride.
I rode to a ridge top then back across the valley to the top of that clear cut in the distance...
I got myself all set up for a still hunt. Eventually the fog rolled into the valley below me...
Luckily I still had a view...
And what a view as the sun set...but no deer.
Once back at camp it was time for a few brews, chow, discuss tomorrows plans, then bed...
Oct. the morning we all parted ways and I returned to the same mountain as the evening before walking half way up but was fogged in...
Tired of the fog I rode around exploring some other areas...
Slash piles ready to be burned...
McClure Lake from the bridge. We used to camp at the lake but have been flooded out before. When it rains hard here the steep mountains drain quickly into the lake. Also with the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend coming up on the 12th there will be lots of others camped there.
I rode to the other side of the lake and followed the road near the shoreline and found a camp.
Then I back tracked to the other side of the lake and headed up the mountain to checkout a large clear cut...
Where are those wascally bucks?
Oct. 5th...I rode most of the way above where I still hunted the evening before on that lower road, parking a ways back in the timber and walking in. There's almost too much to view here as there is a clear cut above me as well...
We usually meet back at camp between 10:30 to 11:30. Still no deer in camp but Does have been seen. After a bite to eat we walked down to the lake on Rob and Jim's secret trail they made years ago. The ferns here are very tall...
Onto a dry creek bed...
David, Rob and Jim...
Years ago most of that mountain used to be a clear cut. Over the years I've harvested 4 deer there.
David brought his fishing rod with him. Yesterday he caught 4 small ones at the lake front camp.
He caught and released this one. It stayed in this one spot for several minutes sulking. David wanted to to take a dip in the lake so the rest of us left him to his nakedness. Rob and I drove to the lake camp to get water for warm showers:)

Once at the lake camp I spoke with an older couple that had just arrived. I wanted to warn them about the idiots camped there. Dave was here yesterday fishing and he felt a little intimidated when someone yelled out "We got guns and we're taking over this camp!" The day before I counted 28 shots in the morning and another 12 in the afternoon from them. (Another day at least 4 dozen shots!) The old fellow said he's been coming here for 8 years and this other group has been coming for the last 4 and have a huge group for Thanksgiving. He said one time they were canoeing, these idiots told them to get off the lake because they were going to start shooting...across the lake! That's where I was riding the other day when I found that camp structure! They're also racing around in a group on quads with loud mufflers. Geez...these guys have seen us and know we are hunting. What pricks!! We've talked about asking the RCMP to stop by next year to check these guys out. Okay...rant over. :)
Jim and I have been buddies since junior high and never, ever, got into any trouble. Right Jim?! :)
Rob and David enjoying the 21C/70 F plus temps...too hot for hunting or hanging anything if we get lucky...
Beautiful country but man it's hot!
Oct. 6th...morning fog...
I decided to head up and over the mountains into the Hadden Valley almost an hour away. Hadn't been there in years. The forest is park like next to the lake...
Campsite on a small lake...
After the morning hunt David had to pack up and head home. At least you got a grouse to share with the family. It was great meeting you're welcome to join us anytime.
Rob and I are taking turns cooking, having our largest meal of the day for lunch...
Oct. 7th...another beautiful start to the day. Finally...I saw a doe and a spike buck about 175 to 200 yards away. They spotted me before I spotted them as they just stood there not moving a muscle. They are grey in colour just like all the old stumps and logs making them hard to see without binoculars. I wanted a fork (that's Canadian or 4 point US) or better so let the spike go. They were too far away for a photo.
Close up of the active logging operation of second growth across the valley. It was quite noisy even from that distance...
An Elk track. We've hunted this area since the 70's and have never seen Elk here before so this was a great surprise. A couple of days later I did see old Elk droppings confirming they are in the area...
With it being so hot out I decided to pass on an evening hunt and let Rob take the quad...
Oct. 8th...back to where I spotted the doe and spike buck but saw nothing this time. The road dead ends in here and I couldn't believe it when a guy drove past my quad parked back in the timber and proceeded to cut firewood! It's very obvious a hunter was here with a gun boot mounted on my quad...geez!
Rob always hunted the same area and had been seeing does almost every day. Finally his luck paid off and he harvested a spike buck. Congrats Rob! The weather had turned and we could see rain in the distance. We returned to camp and quickly skinned out the deer, had a bite to eat, then Rob and I drove 1 1/2 hours back out to the butcher in Honeymoon Bay as it was still too warm to hang it in camp until we leave in a couple of days.

Oct. 9th...the monsoons McClure Lake is known for arrived overnight. I joined Rob in his truck and went to his area. It just poured out all morning. Once back at camp Rob got the fire going and eventually added a few more logs to the fire to reflect the heat. It's pretty cool that my buddy Jim and Rob have been hunting together for a few years now. It's rare for me to be here with them as we are normally heading south by now. In fact I said to Dianne the other day "Do you realize that if we waited until we were 65 to retire instead of 55 we would want to be heading south now and COVID has closed the borders for who knows how long. Look where we have been, people we have met...the experiences."
Me and my eldest boy...
The wind and the rain had picked up so Rob added more logs as a wind block. Eventually we added a tarp to try to block the wind but that eventually failed and we were getting smoked out under the tarp.
Tube steak for dinner. I passed on the evening hunt and kept fire watch.
It rained hard all night. The dry creek bed next to us sounded like a raging river. We all decided to pass on a final morning hunt as the rain had just stopped long enough allowing us to get packed up without raingear on.
Between Rob, Jim and I we had 14 deer sightings some of which were probably the same deer on different days, plus many grouse.
It was a great trip (other than the idiots which we've never experienced here before) and really nice getting some guy time.