Life has carried on as usual since our last update...not really very exciting because we are not travelling. But here is what we have been up to....
We are coming into another heat wave in a few days, so Steve decided he'd better get the trailer washed. He likes to break it up into a couple of days. Roof, roof vents and vent covers, slide room toppers, slide room roofs, and awning, then day 2 the remainder of the trailer. So after breakfast, he went out and got started while I cleaned up inside. I got out for a walk by myself the next couple of days since he was busy.
Wednesday (Sept. 2) morning, Steve was back out washing the trailer. Yesterday afternoon he had a call about a last minute opening for a dermatologist appointment this we headed off to North Vancouver just after 1:30, giving ourselves lots of time to get there. As usual, the traffic on our way home was horrific...just don't know how people handle driving in this traffic daily!
Thursday (Sept 3) Steve finished up the trailer wash in the morning and then went out to run a few errands. I did laundry and then at about 1:00 headed back into North Vancouver for my dermatologist appointment...with the same doctor Steve was at yesterday! It would have been nice if we both could have gone together yesterday...sheesh! Again, I had tons of fun battling the rush hour traffic on my way home.
Friday (Sept 4) was the start of a beautiful, hot long weekend...great weather for those getting out for one last camping trip of the summer.
Steve washed the car in morning. Lucky for us we can park in the site behind us while our neighbour is away until next month.
At noon we left for our appointment at The Honda Way in Abbotsford to have the new rain sensor installed. Of course, being the start of the long weekend, traffic going east out of the city was crazy. We got there just in the nick of time for our 1:00 appointment only to find out they were 2 1/2 hours behind! We weren't impressed but it turned out okay because we had planned to go to Cabela's afterwards...we'll go now and be back by 3:30.
With the new sensor installed, we headed home taking a back road that Google Maps said would be faster. It was, but still busy! Much better than the Trans Canada Highway was backed up for miles in both directions!
Saturday (Sept. 5) morning Steve started on his next project...wax the trailer! Most of our decals are shot, especially the dark blue ones that are badly cracked and the colour bleeds from them when waxing making for a heck of a mess. A few years ago when we were in Casa Grande we had a detailer come in to wash the truck and trailer and he recommended cleaning the decals first with
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser so Steve gave that a try. This got rid of most of the colour bleed and oxidization. A neighbour here that used to work for a local RV dealer said they apply
303 Aerospace Protectant on the decals before waxing to give them some UV protection and to seal them somewhat, so he gave that a try. After finishing up with that he got started on the waxing using
McGuires Marine and RV 56 wax. He managed to get the back of the trailer done today.
Sunday (Sept. 6) morning Steve was back out waxing the trailer...doing the snout today...
At 2:30 we left for a visit with Chris, Angela and Isaac. Another great afternoon and evening with them!
Digging in the planter box...
The only time Isaac isn't on the move is when he's watching one of his videos which is used often during diaper changes...
Monday (Sept. 7) and Tuesday (Sept. 8) were more trailer waxing days for Steve. The Mr. Clean Eraser and 303 Aerospace Protectant seemed to do the trick preventing most of the colour bleed from the blue decals. I did some housework and cleaned windows and screens (just in case you thought he was the only one doing any work, LOL!)
Wednesday (Sept. 9) Steve decided to take a day off from waxing. He left just before 8:30 to get some blood work done at LifeLabs but without an appointment, he ended up having to wait...even using the "Save My Spot" app! He got home just after 10:30.
I headed off shortly after he got home, going into Coquitlam for an appointment with a jeweller to have a couple of my rings re-sized. Afterwards, I did a little grocery shopping.
When I got home, Steve looked a little miffed...he had planned to take the truck out for a run but it wouldn't start...dead batteries! So he put the charger on them...looks like new batteries are in our future. It has been almost 6 years to the day since they were last replaced.
Thursday (Sept. 10) Steve called Gold Key Isuzu first thing to see if he could get the truck in for new problem, so off we went. Of course, I followed him in the car.
Once back home, it was back to waxing for Steve...until lunch time. We are in a heat wave right that was enough waxing for today. The truck was ready so we headed out after lunch, stopping at Canadian Tire first to see if he can find new buffing pads for his electric buffer...he's been having trouble finding any the right size. Even though the instructions say you can wash the pads it's impossible to get them clean enough and eventually the buffer starts to wobble becoming useless.
Friday (Sept. 11) we were shrouded with smoke from the wildfires in the western US. We had noticed a haze in the sky recently but it was really bad this morning. We started a leisurely walk around the campground but cut it short due to the smoke. Unfortunately, Steve still had waxing to do...not good for his lungs.
Our daughter-in-law, Angie, posted this picture of our grandsons heading off for their first day of school. Conner (grade 2) and Bryce (kindergarten) were so excited!
Saturday (Sept. 12) was another very smoky day. Steve finished his waxing project...9 days in total washing and waxing (yay!) while I did what preparation I could do for dinner tonight...Chris, Angela and Isaac are coming out for a visit this afternoon.
We had another wonderful visit with them...staying inside, though, due to the smoke. And would you believe no pictures? Well, you've seen plenty since we see them every weekend!
Sunday (Sept. 13)...and another very smoky day! The worst so we spend most of the day hunkered down inside. Thank goodness we have AC.
Monday (Sept. 14) it was still smoky...with some fog in the mix as well. We headed out mid morning to go get insurance for our trailer. We haven't bothered to renew our ICBC trailer insurance (expired in May) since we haven't moved since arriving last March. Since we won't be travelling once we get over to the island next Sunday, we decided to just insure it for that one day. Of course, with Covid protocols, we had to wait outside the insurance office until it was our turn to go in...only 2 people allowed in at once.
After lunch we thought we'd take a drive to Crescent Beach. After being cooped up all day yesterday, we really wanted to go for a walk...besides we're running out of time to walk one of our favourite trails here. It was still really smoky but decided to get out for a stroll anyway...
As we neared this house Steve noticed what he thought was a cat on the roof...
It was a Racoon that appeared to be dying...on our return there was no more movement...sad.

Similar view on a clear day...
There were teenagers jumping off the pier...on the way down!
Entering the water...
White Rock Pier...
Tuesday (Sept. 15) was another smoky day but some sun did managed to break through in the afternoon. I helped Steve load the bikes onto the back of the pack-up job done!
Just after noon, Dan from Paul's Mobile RV Service called. Steve has been trying for over a month to get the torn wiper seal replaced on top of the big slide room, but unfortunately Dan is not the best communicator and Steve is tired of hounding him. Last we heard from him, he said he would be in touch yesterday morning and let us know when he'd be able to do it. Well, we never heard from him so had pretty much given up getting it done. If it didn't involve the removal of the slide room topper Steve would have tackled this himself. The spring assemblies in the topper roller tube have been replaced twice in the past so Dan had issues removing the mounting hardware because of broken screws and poor reassembly from previous RV techs.
He arrived at about 1:30 and had the job done in about an hour. The wiper seal easily snaps in place and is secured with a single screw in either end...dirt simple if you don't have a topper to deal with!
Wednesday (Sept. 16) and Thursday (Sept. 17) were basically pack-up days...and getting prepared to leave Sunday. Steve checked all the tires and aired up a couple, then lubed the truck hitch and all the slide rooms gear packs. Rain is also in the forecast for Friday and Saturday, so we wanted to get it all done before then. Hopefully some rain will help reduce the smoke!
We did take Buster out on Wednesday to fuel up...yup, it's smoky!
Same, same Thursday morning...
Friday (Sept. 18) morning we left at about 10:00 to go to the Bass Pro Shop. We hadn't had any luck finding Steve a new hunting jacket at Cabela's in Abbotsford, so hopefully Bass Pro will have something. They did have a better selection however most of the available sizes were too large narrowing his selection down to just one...and he is happy with it.
We were home around noon...and just hunkered down inside out of the smoke for the rest of the afternoon.
Saturday (Sept. 19) morning the rain set in early. We had a very lazy start to the day...after all, tomorrow there will be no lolly-gagging since we are going to try to be outta here 9-9:30!
I went out to pick up some bread and milk. I plan on doing a big shop once we get over to the island but of course, didn't have quite enough bread to make it another couple of days.
After lunch Steve went out to empty and flush the tanks. I was working on this blog when our neighbour, Carol, texted...their new puppy just arrived, come on over!
Meet Mr. Bo Jangles...aka 'Bo' cute is he?!
He's a little ball of fluff! Not much to him under all that fur! I think Carol said he weighs 3 lbs!
Cody checking out his new little "brother"...
Shortly after meeting Bo, we headed off to Coquitlam for our last visit with Chris, Angela and Isaac. It was too rainy and wet to sit outside so we enjoyed an afternoon inside chatting and playing with Isaac.
Chris ordered in a feast of Chinese food...yum!
We are going to miss our weekly visit with this little guy!
We said goodnight and headed home around 8:00. It's been so wonderful seeing so much of them during our 6 month stay it's time to move over to Vancouver Island and be able to spend time with Rob, Angie, Conner and Bryce! Looking forward to having the whole family together for Christmas!
Tomorrow we pack up and move the rig over to Victoria! We're looking forward to Oceanside RV Resort....along with a much smaller population than here in the Greater Vancouver area. And, of course, a much lower case count of Covid-19!
On a final note, Steve wondered if we should keep this might be worth something one day...LOL!